Remote imaging for post-harvest storage research
In May this year (2019), the IIRB Beet Quality and Storage study group had their latest meeting. The first speaker was from KWS in Germany – Elka Hilscher – and talked about the distribution of the good and the bad within sugar beets. I’ve written a summary of this work for Betordlaren (coming soon). If you can find the original presentation, called ‘Heterogeneity of Sugarbeets – a Challenge for recoverable Sugar Analysis of Grower’s Field Samples’ and which others besides Elka have presented, you’ll find better details and the broader story. You’ll also see information about the KWS developed technology BEETOMETER(tm), which is a really interesting technology that uses spectral imaging to analysis sugar content in (what they claim is) a much more reliable and efficient way than current technologies. I think they are right, and they rightly are selling the product.
I also presented: Remote imaging in sugar beet harvest and storage research. The presentation is here:
and your use and/ or comments/ development of the presentation is most welcome. Contact me and I can send the original in which the photos actually work.