To verify my CFD model of a sugar beet clamp, measurements of air speed inside of the clamp are desired. It’s something that I have not been able to do with a simple, post-clamp-construction method. In 2021, it is time to test a more embedded, set-up-at-harvest method.
To this end, I’ve turned to do-it-yourself electronics. This is an awesome world, sometimes referred to as the “maker space”, occupied by really clever and fairly user friendly systems like Arduino and Raspberry Pi, and a thriving community of generous people who share their time and expertise to make things so so much easier.
The system I’m building looks like this:
- Platform: Arduino (probably a Mega)
- Air speed senors: The Modern Devices Rev P
- Coding the air speed sensors: So easy using the example given by Modern Devices or in this wind tunnel how-to, which includes a wiring diagram for the Mega.
- Connectivity: LoRa through TheThingsNetwork
- LoRa chip: HopeRF RFM95W
- Coding the LoRa: MobileFish. He uses a depreciated version of an Arduino library, but this is what you need to use with the Uno (the recommended alternative MCCI library takes up too much memory for a Uno)
- The soldering: dodgy as hell, but holding.