The ‘Thesis’, if you will. The grand description and summary of the doctoral project.
This is the template that I will be using, based of discussion with my supervisors, and from looking at the works of some of my recently graduated peers.
- It is a meta/ broad summary of the project, addressing the general themes of the collection of works, linking to the specific of each of them. That is, it is broader than anything that is given in any of the articles.
- Should be a story, maybe even somewhat entertaining, with good illustrations and photos.
- Should probably highlight the applied approach taken/ that underscores all the works.
- Maybe something on the meaning to agriculture more broadly.
- It is mine, not my supervisors. Their input is more than welcome, but the final decisions are mine alone.
- There are no rules for the structure, but the following is used:
- Introduction
- The issue, including its cause in a societal/ economic sense.
- Specific of the issue
- Broken down in subsections
- Background information on where solutions might be looked for/ found
- Background information on what scientific methods might use to test these solutions
- Aims of the doctoral project
- Including list over broad aims, and table of specific goals/hypotheses of each paper
- Material and methods
- Experimental designs used within the project
- Methodologies used within the project
- Selected Results and Discussion
- Split into some key subsections
- Very limited tables/ figures – refer to them in the papers.
- Conclusion
- Very brief, even point form
- Future perspectives
- Yeah, what next?
- Introduction
Again, the thesis is broad, but should link to the papers at every opportunity,