A list of ideas

PREDICTING INSECT POPULATIONS USING DIGITAL INSECT MONITORING AND DIGITAL SHADOW MODELLINGModelling insect populations using the data from our monitoring network, supplemented with near real-time digital insect identification.Digitalisation of agricultureProposalNot yet developed
DIGITALISATION OF SWEDISH SUGAR BEET INDUSTRYA proposal for a post-doc. Large, 2.5 year full time, project.Digitalisation of agriculture
AIRFLOW IN SUGAR BEET CLAMPSCollection of data on airflow within sugar beet clamps, with different cover types. For use in model validation.Harvest and Storage
SENSOR FARMInstall the offering of useful sensors at Ädelholm, and possibly other farms, to validate their usefulness in Digitalisation of agriculture.Digitalisation of agriculture
STOILS v2Expand the Stoils (NBR640) project to:
– include all of COBRI.
– test other approaches such as continual biological activity monitoring
Harvest and StorageProposal (FORMAS)
FOAM FROST PROTECTION v1Test a foam product available to viticulturalists for frost protection on sugar beet clamps – laboratory tests (v2 would be field tests).Harvest and Storage
QUALITY REVIEWA survey of Quality related issues, to guide future work. This includes examining trends on the non-sucrose concentration parameters from NBR variety trials, but also a broad review of literature and discussions with key stakeholders.Growing to Quality.