2024 is the first year with an ALS-tolerant “Smart” variety on Ädelholm. The major driving factor for the change from the conventional variety system was that it would make preparation for the 2024 Summer Meeting (4 June 2024) much easier.

And it has been easier. Basically, there has been no worry about the weeds – we just wait until there is a lot of them, then drive. And the efficacy of Conviso is very good. And there will be less applications, so less driving, and hopefully better growth. Unfortunately, there is often an “unfortunately”. In this instance, there are three.

The layout of Ädelholm this year is such that it’s very difficult to drive within the crop rows and get proper coverage. So, the spray tracks are running perpendicular to the crop rows – we’re driving on a lot of beet. The second “unfortunately” is that our contractor isn’t using Conviso anywhere else, so it stands to reason that the tank cleaning is done on Ädelholm. This means driving over the same parts of the field with the sprayer running (after it has been emptied and refilled with water) to clean it out.

The third unfortunately is that during the first attempt to apply TI, the Coviso wasn’t added to the mix…

TI was applied 13 May 2024. 0.5 lt Conviso One + Betanol

TII was applied 1 June 2024. 0.5 lt Conviso One

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